Ks. prof. dr hab. Marian Nowak

Wydział Nauk Społecznych - Instytut Pedagogiki
Katedra Pedagogiki Ogólnej

Stanowisko: Profesor

Rev. Marian Nowak (born 7.05.1955), Ph.D., ord. professor at the Catholic University of Lublin, 2000-2008 and 2012-2019 - director of the Pedagogy Institute, 2008-2012 - V-Dean of the Social Sciences Departament at KUL. He graduated from the Theology Department of KUL in 1980 and from the Pedagogy Department of the Papal University "Salesianum" in Rome (1986). After studies he worked as a parish priest, a religion teacher, a priest in a prison and as a tutor at a seminary. He earned a doctorate in Pedagogy at the Department of Educational Sciences of "Salesianum" in 1989. In 1999 he was qualified as an assistant professor of Pedagogy at the Adam Mickiewicz's University in Poznan and the 12 Novembre 2013 obtaind the title of profesor of social sciences and the 1.X.2016 the ordinary professor.

His interests are focussed on the following issues: interdisciplinary dialogue in pedagogy, general pedagogy, pedagogical axiology, and pedagogy of culture, didactics, but mainly on personalistic Christian pedagogy. He is an author of more than 200 articles, an author of 'Giovinezza' ed 'autoformazione' secondo Romano Guardini (Roma, 1989), Podstawy pedagogiki chrześcijańskiej [Foundations of Christian Pedagogy] (1985) and Podstawy pedagogiki otwartej [Foundations of Open Pedagogy] (1999) and Teorie i koncepcje wychowaniu [Theories and concepts of education] (2008) and co-author of 10 books: Pedagogika ogólna. Problemy aksjologiczne [General Pedagogy. Axiological problems] (Lublin, 1997); 2) Wychowanie chrześcijańskie a kultura [Christian upbringing and culture], Lublin, RW KUL, 2000; 3) W trosce o integralne wychowanie człowieka [Caring about the integral upbringing of man], Lublin, KUL, 2003; 4) Z potrzeby serca .... Księga Jubileuszowa dedykowana księdzu doktorowi Edwardowi Pohoreckiemu Dyrektorowi Instytutu Wyższej Kultury Religijnej przy KUL [My heart wanted that.... An Anniversary Book for X Dr Edward Pohorecki, the Director of the Higher Religious Culture Institute at KUL], Lublin, Instytut Wyższej Kultury Religijnej, 2004; 5) Zapotrzebowania a oferta edukacyjna w lokalnej polityce oświatowej [Demand and Educational Offer in the Local Community], Biała Podlaska, Wydawnictwo PWSZ, 2004, 316 s.; 6) Pedagogiczna inspiracja w nauczaniu Jana Pawła II [Pedagogical inspiration in the teaching of John Paul II], Biała Podlaska, PWSZ, 2005; 7) Od teatru do terapii [From theater to terapie]. Tom I: Między teorią a praktyką, Lublin, Rekreacyjny Klub Nieprzetartego Szlaku, 2006; Wybrane zagadnienia teorii i praktyki pedagogiki rodziny [Selected problems of theorie and practic of pedagogy of the family], Lublin - Kraków, Poligrafia X.X. Salezjanów (Katedra Pedagogiki Rodziny KUL), 2006; 8) Praca - etos - wychowanie [Work - ethos - education], Biała Podlaska, PWSZ, 2006; 9) Edukacja, moralność, sfera publiczna. Materiały z VI Ogólnopolskiego Zjazdu Pedagogicznego PTP [Education - morality - public area], Lublin, Oficyna Wydawnicza „Verba", 2007.

Until 2018 he was a member of Counsel of A.C.I.S.E. (Association Catholique Internationale des Institutions de Sciences de l'Education), where he represented Catholic University of Lublin. He co-operates with several other associations and institutions, both national and international. In 1994/1995 he undertook a research and scientific training at the Pedagogy and Psychology Institute of the Catholic University in Louvain. In 2001 he was given a post of professor of the General Pedagogy Chair in the Social Science Department of the Catholic University of Lublin. Since 2004 he has been a president of the Christian Pedagogy Committee at the Polish Academy of Science and a co-editor and a proof reader of the division General Pedagogy and Theory of Education of the Encyclopaedia of Pedagogy of the XXI Century; six volumes have been published so far. He is a member of A.C.I.S.E. (Association Catholique Internationale des Institutions de Sciences de l'Education), he co-operates with several other associations and institutions. He is also a president of the Section of Christian Pedagogy in Committee of Pedagogical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Science, since June 2019 r. is the member at the Team of Social Sciences of the Council of Scientific Excellence in Poland (RDN V-Department of Sciences Social);











marian.nowak@kul.pl; marian.nowak@kul.lublin.plmarian010756@hotmail.com  

 tel.: 81-5322082; fax.: 81-5322082;   609754598