dr hab. Magdalena Charzyńska-Wójcik (prof. KUL)
Wydział Nauk Humanistycznych - Instytut JęzykoznawstwaKatedra Historii Języka Angielskiego i Translatoryki
Stanowisko: Profesor KUL
Wypromowane prace dyplomowe
Prace magisterskie
- Tracing the Textual Tradition of Non-Psalmic Scriptural Material in English Medieval Books of Hours
Rozprawy doktorskie
- Scribal Abbreviations in Early Fifteenth-Century Biblical Manuscripts (Royal MS 1 E IX; Mscr.Dresd.Od.83 and Scheide M12) ‒ a Study Based on the Gospel of Matthew
Rozprawy doktorskie
- The Etymology of Nouns in Middle English Prose Psalter Renditions
Prace magisterskie
- The Psalms of the Douai-Rheims Bible (1610) and the Present-day Translation by Cunyus (2009): A Comparative Etymological Study
- Translating Metaphors in the Song of Songs
- Scribal Abbreviations in the Manuscript of Wycliffe’s New Testament (Mscr.Dresd.Od.83) on the Basis of the Gospel of Matthew
- Selected aspects of the Challoner Revision of the Douay-Rheims Bible
- A study of lexical innovations in the language of advertising
- Monastic Rules in Medieval England and Their Translations
- Abbreviations in the Latin and English text of a fourteenth-century manuscript of Richard Rolle's Psalter
- The Etymology of Nouns in the Book of Genesis of the King James Bible and the Douay-Rheims Bible: A Comparative Study
- 'Heavy' and 'Metal' as in Heavy Metal: A Cultural and Semantic Study
- A Comparison of Lexical Verbs in the Book of Revelation of the Douay-Rheims and King James Bible
- A Comparison of Lexical Verbs in the Book of Genesis of the Wycliffite Bible and Douay-Rheims Bible
- The nominal layer in Psalms 50-100 of the Early and Late Wycliffite Bible: In Search of Reinforcement Effects
Prace magisterskie
- Law and Justice in the History of English: A Study of Legal Terms
- From a Wolf-like Beast to Man's Best Friend: DOG and HOUND in the History of English
- A comparative study of the etymology of nouns in Old and Middle English translations of Chapter XIX of the Gospel of St. John
- Love: A Journey into Its Semantics
- Semantic and lexical change in words expressing MONEY in the history of the English language.
- Reinforcement Effects in Psalter Translations; A Study Based on Selected Psalms of the Douay- Rheims and King James Bible
- Semantic and lexical change in terms expressing musical instruments in the history of the English language
- Semantic Change in Words Related to Marriage in the History of English
- Semantic change in words expressing flame, fire and burning in the history of the English language.
- Semantic Change in Words Denoting Geographical Terms in the History of English
- The Story of FAMILY in the History of English: A Semantic and Lexical Study
- An etymological study of the nominal layer of the first fifty psalms in two late fourteenth-century English Bibles
- A Piece on War: A Semantic Study of Old English Military Equipment
- The etymology of nouns vs. verbs in the Douay-Rheims Bible and Tyndale translation. A study based on chapter 4 and 5 of the Gospel of St. John.
- Semantic Change in Selected English Words Related to Grief and Anxiety in the History of the Language
- Preservation of Latin vocabulary in two late fourteenth-century Bibles. A study based on the Book of Genesis, chapters 1-5.
- A Matter of Life and Death in the History of English: A Semantic Study
- Semantic and lexical change in words expressing MAGIC in the history of the English language.
Prace licencjackie
- Borrowings in Psalms 30-33 of Purvey's Middle English Psalter
- The etymology of adjectives and adverbs in comparison with other morphological categories: A study based on Psalms 34-37 of Purvey's Psalter
- Anglo-Saxon vocabulary in Purvey’s Psalter: A study based on psalms 24-29
- French borrowings in Purvey's Psalter: A study based on Psalms 18-23
- The etymology of verbs in comparison with other morphological categories: A study based on Psalms 8-13 of Purvey's Psalter
- Latin borrowings in Purvey's Psalter: A study based on Psalms I-VII.
- The etymology of nouns in comparison with the remaining morphological categories: A study based on Psalms XIV-XVII of Purvey's Psalter.
Prace magisterskie
- Semantic and lexical change in words expressing "strength, violence, force" in the history of English. A Thesaurus of Old English - category 05.08 to 05.08.02
- Semantic and lexical change in words expressing 'goodness, excellence and virtue' in the history of English. A Thesaurus of Old English - category 07.02. to
- Semantic and lexical change in words expressing 'hell, damnation and devil' in the history of English. A Thesaurus of Old English - category 16.01.05 to
- Semantic and lexical change in words expressing 'death' in the history of English. A Thesaurus of Old English - category 02.02 to
- Semantic and Lexical change in words expressing 'ghost and magic' in the history of English. A Thesaurus of Old English - category 16.01.03 to
- Semantic and lexical change in words expressing 'malevolence, hatred and threat' in the history of English. A Thesaurus of Old English- category to
- Semantic and lexical change in words expressing "visual perception" in the history of English. Thesaurus of Old English category 02.05.09 -
- Semantic and lexical change in words expressing ‘killing’ in the history of English. A Thesaurus of Old English - category 02.02.04 to
- Semantic and lexical change in words expressing 'fire, burning' in the history of English. Thesaurus of Old English - category to
- Semantic and lexical change in words expressing "Tools, implements" in the history of English. A Thesaurus of Old English - category 17.03 to
- Semantic and lexical change in words expressing 'building and construction' in the history of English. A Thesaurus of Old English - category 04.05 -
Prace licencjackie
- The influence of Latin vocabulary on the early Wycliffe Bible. A study based on Psalms 30-33.
- French borrowings in the early Wycliffe Bible. A study based on Psalms 9-15
- Terms expressing vengeance and retribution in King Alfred's Paris Psalter
- Terms Expressing Natural Environment in Psalms 1-50 of King Alfred's Paris Psalter and King James Bible
- Terms expressing good feelings and happiness in King Alfred's Paris Psalter
- Sound and Silence in Psalms 1-50 of King Alfred's Paris Psalter and King James Bible
- The etymology of Wycliffe's verbs. A study based on Psalms 18-23
- Terms Expressing Will and Desire in Psalms 1-50 of King Alfred's Paris Psalter and King James Bible
- The Etymology of Nouns and Adjectives in Psalms 16 and 17 of the Early Version of Wycliffe's Translation
- Terms Expressing Justice and Injustice in Psalms 1-50 in King Alfred's Paris Psalter and King James Bible
- The retention of Old English lexicon in the early Wycliffe Bible. A study based on Psalms 24-29.
- Comparison of Terms for Body Parts in Psalms 1-50 from the Paris Psalter and the King James' Bible
- Terms Expressing Family Relations in Psalms 1-50 of King Alfred's Paris Psalter and the King James Bible
- Natural phenomena in King Alfred's Paris Psalter
Prace magisterskie
- Semantic and lexical change in words expressing 'killing, violent death, destruction' in the history of English language. Thesaurus of Old English, category 02.02.04 -
- Zmiany semantyczne w słowach wyrażających 'szczęście' w historii języka angielskiego. Thesaurus of Old English kategoria:
- Zmiany semantyczne i leksykalne w słownictwie wyrażającym strach i zgrozę (A thesaurus of Old English) w historii języka angielskiego.
- Semantyczne zmiany w historii języka angielskiego. Kategoria 'czas'. Tezaurus języka staroangielskiego 05.11
- Semantic and lexical change in words expressing "contradiction, opposition and social interaction" in the history of English language
- Semantic and lexical change in words connected with ‘heaven and hell’ in the history of English language. Thesaurus of Old English category 16.01.02 - and 16.01.05 -
- Zmiany semantyczne i leksykalne słów wyrażających 'karę' w historii języka angielskiego. A Thesaurus of Old English kategoria 14.05-
- Semantic and lexical change in words expressing "lightness, brightness, shadow" in the history of English language
- Rzeczownikowe i przymiotnikowe wyrazy złożone w prozie Psałterza Paryskiego
- Zmiany semantyczne na przykładzie staroangielskich słów odnoszących sie do wiatru i deszczu.
- Zmiany semantyczne i leksykalne w słownictwie wyrażającym stworzenie świata (A Thesaurus of Old English) w historii języka angielskiego.
- Zmiany semantyczne i leksykalne w słownictwie wyrażającym władzę (A Thesaurus of Old English) w historii języka angielskiego.
- Zmiany semantyczne i leksykalne w słownictwie wyrażającym wolę i wolność (A thesaurus of Old English) w historii języka angielskiego.
- Zmiany semantyczne i leksykalne w słowach wyrażających 'przyjaźń' i 'braterstwo' w historii języka angielskiego. Thesaurus of Old English kategoria: 12.04.
- Semantyczne i leksykalne zmiany w historii języka angielskiego. Kategoria CIEKAWOŚĆ: Tezaurus języka staroangielskiego 09.05
- "Zmiany semantyczne od 'stóp do głów' w historii języka angielskiego".
- Zmiany semantyczne i leksykalne w słownictwie wyrażającym reputację, sławę i wstyd (A thesaurus of Old English) w historii języka angielskiego.
- Semantic and lexical change in vocabulary expressing 'bad disposition towards others' in the history of English language. Thesaurus of Old English, category -
- Semantyczne i leksykalne zmiany w słowach wyrażających 'pracę' w historii języka angielskiego
- Semantic and lexical change in words expressing ‘strength, weakness’ in the history of English language. Thesaurus of Old English category 05.08 – 05.09.04
- Semantic and lexical change in words expressing ‘beauty, fairness’ in the history of English language. Thesaurus of Old English category 07.10.01 –
- Semantyczne i leksykalne zmiany w historii języka angielskiego 'od świtu od zmierzchu'
Prace licencjackie
- The Representation of the Semantic Field 'Gratitude and Glory' in the Old English Version of Psalms 1-50.
- The Representation of the Semantic Field "Beauty' in the Old English Version of Psalms 1-50.
- Borrowings in Wycliffe's Translation of Psalms 1-8.
- Selected Philosophical Elements of Being in the Old English Paris Psalter (1-50).
- The Representation of the Semantic Field 'Suffering, torment and pain' in the Old English Version of Psalms 1-50.
- The Representation of the Semantic Field "Salvation and Safety" in the Old English Version of Psalms 1-50.
Prace magisterskie
- Semantic and Lexical change in words expressing "Work" in the History of English ( A Thesaurus of Old English Category 17 to
Prace licencjackie
- Expressing Transgression, Sin and Evil-doing in King Alfred's Psalms.
- Expressing Grief in King Alfred's Psalms.
- Expressing Hatred and Hostility in King Alfred's Psalms.
- Expressing Sadness in King Alfred's Psalms.
- Expressing Joy and Exultation in King Alfred's Psalms.
Prace magisterskie
- Borrowings in the OEand ME Bible: A Comparative Study.
- A Comparative Study of Verbal Etymologies on the Basis of Psalms 100 - 150 of the Old English Paris Psalter and the Middle English Wycliffe's Translation.
- Experiencer Verbs in the Paris Psalter: A Comparative Analysis of the Latin Version and its Old English Translation.
- Alfred and Wycliffe and Their Choices of Verbs.
- The Grammar of Old English Prefixed Verbs: A Study Based on the Prose Psalms of the Paris Plalter.
- Expressing Negation in the Old English Paris Psalter ( Psalms 100 -150)
- The Grammar of Old English Strong Verbs: A Study Based on Psalms 50-100 of the Paris Psalter.
- Relative clauses in the Old English Prose Psalms of the Paris Psalter.
- Conjunctions in Old English Psalms 50 - 100 of the Paris Psalter.
- Subjectless Sentences in the Old English Paris Psalter ( Psalms 50 -100 )
- Old English Verbs with the Genitive Object: A Study Based on the Prose Psalms of the Paris Psalter.
- Passive Clauses in The Old English Paris Psalter ( Psalm 1-50 ).
- The Imperative in Old English: a study based on Psalms 50 - 100 of the Paris Psalter.
Prace magisterskie
- Patterns of verbal complementation in Old English in Aelfric's Lives of Saints.
- Impersonal Clauses in the Old English version of "Aelfric's Lives of Saints".
- From 'impression' to 'posterity': A comparative analysis of selected entries from Cawdrey's "Table Alphabeticall" (1604) with "Oxford English Dictionary" (2nd Edition).
- OV and/or VO in Old English.
- Impersonal constructions in Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales.