Kinga Lis

dr Kinga Lis

Wydział Nauk Humanistycznych - Instytut Językoznawstwa
Katedra Historii Języka Angielskiego i Translatoryki

Stanowisko: Adiunkt posiadający stopień naukowy dr


Prace licencjackie
  • An Analysis of Orthographic Variation in "The Tryal of Witchcraft: or, Witchcraft Arraign'd and Condemn'd"
  • A Study of Nominal Borrowings in "Orchestra or A Poem of Dauncing"
  • A Study of Nominal Borrowings in "The Prologue" of the 1477 Edition of "The Canterbury Tales"
  • A Study of Variation in Spelling in "Murrels Tvvo Books of Cookerie and Carving"
  • Names for Beasts and Animals in "The History of Four-Footed Beasts and Serpents": A Case Study
  • The Etymology of Musical Terminology in "A Compendium of Practical Musick" by Christopher Simpson
  • A Study of the Use of the Long ''S'' and Capital Letters in "Directions for Love and Marriage"
  • A Study of Inflectional Morphology in "A Cat May Look upon a King"
  • An Etymological Study of "Fragmenta Carceris: or, The Kings-Bench Scuffle"


Prace licencjackie
  • Variation in Numerals: The Case of "Once/One Time", "Twice/Two Times" and "Thrice/Three Times"
  • Nominal Suffixation in Chapters 8-12 of the Book of Wisdom in the Douay-Rheims Bible
  • The Nouns and Verbs in Elizabeth Joceline's 'The Mother's Legacie, to Her Unborne Childe': An Etymological Inquiry
  • Spelling Variation in Early Modern English: Vowel Letters in Selected Sixteenth-, Seventeenth-and Eighteenth-Century Cookbooks
  • The Etymology of Nouns in the Initial Chapters of St Mark's Gospel: A Study Based on the Douay-Rheims Bible and William Tyndale's Translation of the New Testament
  • The Etymology of Culinary Terms in Selected Middle English and Early Modern English Cookery Books
  • Early Modern English Handbooks for Learning French: An Analysis of Selected Morpho-Syntactic Features
  • Orthographic Variation in Selected Early Modern English Medical Texts from the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
  • A Lexicographical Analysis of the Words Beginning with Letters from 'M' to 'P' Listed in Henry Cockeram's 'English Dictionarie'