prof. dr hab. Anna Malicka-Kleparska

Wydział Nauk Humanistycznych - Instytut Językoznawstwa
Katedra Językoznawstwa Porównawczego Angielsko-Polskiego

Stanowisko: Profesor


Prace licencjackie
  • The Influence of Selected On-line Resources on Foreign Language Acquisition in Grown-ups
  • Children with Foreign Language Learning Problems: A Case Study
  • The Influence of Abbreviations and Emoticons on On-line Communication in English
  • Selected Methods of Teaching English in Polish Kindergartens
  • Stress in British and American Englishes: A Comparison
  • The Influence of English Borrowings in Polish on the Vocabulary of Young Poles
  • English as a Lingua Franca: Selected English Loan Words in Polish
  • "Władca Lewawu" by Dorota Terakowska: A Translation Project
Prace magisterskie
  • A Translation Project: The Website of The Narew National Park
  • Selected Problems of Modality in English and Polish
  • Subtitles in Polish vs. English Dialogues in "Modern Family"
  • Subtitles in Polish vs. English Dialogues in "The Crown"


Prace licencjackie
  • Teaching English to Children and Adults: A Comparison of Selected Methods
  • Lexical and Grammatical Characteristics of Chosen Song Lyrics in English
  • Use of English in Daily Work in a Business Environment
  • Dentistry Technical Translations: Problems and Solutions
  • Teaching the English Language: A Comparison Between the Polish and Irish Education Systems
  • Selected Historical Changes in the Lexicon of English
  • Selected English Loans in Modern Polish in the Area of Food, Technology, Sport, Entertainment, Fashion and Cosmetology
  • Learning English as a Second Language on the Basis of Songs, Social Media and TV Series
Prace magisterskie
  • Teaching English Vocabulary at Various Stages of Education


Prace licencjackie
  • Selected Vocabulary Changes in the History of English
  • Teaching English to Preschool Children – Nursery School Children in Poland and Abroad
  • Neologisms in the "Harry Potter" Book Series
  • Passive Constructions in English and Polish: An Analysis Based on Linguistic Corpora
  • Methods of Translating Culture-Bound Expressions on the Basis of "On the Road" by Jack Kerouac and "Just Kids" by Patti Smith
  • The Use of Modern Technology in Learning and Teaching English
  • The Influence of Internet Resources in Teaching and Learning English in Poland
  • History of Selected Loan Words in English
  • Problems of Contemporary Youth: Communication Issues
  • Selected Methods of Teaching English as a Foreign Language
Prace magisterskie
  • Specificity of the education of grown-ups and children
  • Audiovisual Translations of English Vulgarisms into Polish
  • Translating Jakub Małecki's "Żaglowce i samoloty": Problems and Solutions
  • English Passive Voice vs. Polish Passive Voice Based on the Corpus "Paralela"
  • Audiovisual Translation on the Basis of Selected Fragments of the Movie "Shrek"
  • A Comparative Analysis of Machine Translation and Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT)
  • Creating Subtitles for Selected Episodes of the TV Series “The Mighty Boosh”
  • The Comparison of Two Polish Translations of "The Lord of the Rings" by J. R. R. Tolkien
  • Introducing an English-Spanish Project for Nursery School Education
  • Audiovisual Translation on the Basis of Selected Fragments of TV Series "Rancho"


Prace licencjackie
  • Translating games: Problems and solutions
  • Ways of Translating Proper Names in Beatrix Potter’s "Peter Rabbit"
  • Sports in Human Life: A Lexicographic Approach
  • Practices of Proper Translations in Business
  • Male and Female Styles of Communication
  • Translating "The Divided Mind" by John E. Sarno: Issues of Medical Translation
  • Changes in Communication on the Basis of Written Records and Modern Media
  • Vocabulary of Eating and Feeding Disorders: A Lexicographic Approach
  • The Influence of the English Language in Korean Popular Music
  • The Influence of Mass Media on the Social and Psychological Development of Children: A Lexicographic Approach
  • The Influence of Stress on Human Life: A Lexicographic Approach


Prace licencjackie
  • English loans into Polish in the area of business
  • Selected English phrasal verbs in corpus linguistics
  • Learning technical English vocabulary focused on machine industry
  • English loan words in Polish
  • Idioms in English, Spanish and Polish
  • Methodology of teaching English as a foreign language
  • Errors in translation on the basis of Bill Cosby's chosen works
Prace magisterskie
  • "Absent in the Spring" by Agatha Christie: A Comparative Analysis of Two Polish Translations.
  • Translation of song lyrics from English into Polish on the basis of selected examples
  • The Analysis of Selected Translation Problems of Shark Tale
  • Teaching Lexical Items to Young Children
  • Translation of RPG games on the basis of "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt"
  • Selected aspects of translation on the basis of "Married with children": Challenges and solutions
  • Translations of 'The Dark Tower IV: Wizard and Glass' by Stephen King
  • A translation of "The sun, the moon, the stars" by Junot Díaz into Polish: Practical and theoretical issues
  • Dyslexia versus teaching grammar and lexis to students of English
  • Idioms of emotion in English
  • Greek contribution to the English language
  • Stress factors in simultaneous translations


Prace licencjackie
  • English idioms of feelings and emotions - a corpus based analysis
  • Lexical items connected with crime. A study based on visual material
  • Teaching English idioms to high school students
  • Intra- and interspecies communication in the animal kingdom: An overview
  • Animals and their treatment from international perspective
Prace magisterskie
  • An analysis of political speeches
  • A comparison of two different modes of translation in 'Broadchurch'
  • Translation of humorous elements in the movie 'Good Morning, Vietnam'
  • Humour in translation on the basis of TV series 'Big Bang Theory'
  • Various models of translation in 'Money Heist'
  • Subtitles versus lectors - a comparison on the basis of TV series 'Friends'
  • The process of film translation and its different variations
  • Rendering English borrowings in the Japanese language
  • Problems in English - Italian translation of How I Met Your Mother TV series
  • Translation of humour in 'How I met your mother'
  • Translating English idioms into Polish and Polish idioms into English: problems and solutions


Prace licencjackie
  • Lyrics in hip-hop music as a unique dialect.
  • Language of computer games in English
Prace magisterskie
  • English idioms referring to body parts
  • Teaching English to Hearing-Impaired Students
  • First language acquisition versus second language acquisition: props in the classroom
  • Similarities between English and Spanish on a lexical level
  • The Evolution and Development of the Language in Scotland Throughout the Centuries
  • Errors in the articulation of words committed by young learners of English at the primary school level
  • Idioms of colour in English and Polish
  • The role of present tenses in teaching process at the secondary school level
  • Teaching vocabulary to special needs learners
  • Differences between American and British English – vocabulary, spelling and grammar
  • The comparison of conceptualising and describing abstract entities by blind and sighted people
  • Animal Idioms in English
  • The knowledge of the English language as a crucial asset in the area of business
  • Teaching Maths in English to Polish Primary School Students


Prace licencjackie
  • Differences between British and American English
  • Translating from English to English (British English to American English)
  • Animal idioms in English and in Polish
  • Legalese in English and Polish. A contrastive study.
  • Changes in the English language from the sixth to the fourteenth century
  • Language of Sheldon Cooper. A linguistic analysis
  • English for Specific Purposes: English for Business Purposes
  • The function of taboo vocabulary in language on the example of English
  • Borowing from English into Polish: a selective analysis
  • Nomenclature in Legalese: English vs. Polish.


Prace licencjackie
  • Slang expressions in chosen contemporary British movies and TV series
  • Main stages in the first language acquisition
  • Problems with performing vocal music in translation
  • Latin borrowings into Old English on the basis of selected texts
  • Locational prefixes in English
  • An analysis of English and Polish idioms of colour
  • The process of creating a fictional langauge - based on J.R.R. Tolkien's "Sindarin" and David J. Peterson's "Dothraki"
  • Personality trait idioms in English and Polish
  • Anglicisms used in England by Polish immigrant workers. A contrastive linguistic analysis


Prace licencjackie
  • Cognates in English and Spanish
  • Proverbs with animals terms in English and Polish
  • Compound nouns
  • Neologisms in text messages in young people’s dialects.
  • Lexical differences between selected synonymous British and American idioms.
  • An analysis of idioms and sayings in chosen films of Tim Burton
  • Coherence and cohesion in spoken and written American English
  • Characteristics of the innovative language uses in the Facebook community.
  • Prefixes with adjectives in English
  • Errors in Polish Young Learners’ Pronunciation Versus Flashcards Techniques
  • An analysis of neologisms and their translations in 'Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire'
  • Sounds of nature in language: evidence from English and Polish
  • Colours:black,blue and red in English idoms: an analysis.
  • The differences between standard and Afro-American English
  • Borrowings from Romance languages into English
  • Negative prefixes in English


Prace licencjackie
  • Developing young learners' speaking skills in English
  • Gender in Polish and English
  • Effective foreign lesson management in secondary school
  • Wordplay in English and Polish jokes
  • English neologisms in social networking services
  • Substandard languages in English literature and ways of translating them.
  • Newspaper and magazine headlines and their linguistic features.
  • Language Universals in Linguistic Theory
  • The Concept of Artificial Languages on the Example of the Mandalorian Language
  • Diagnosing teacher and student talking time in English during lessons in a secondary school
  • Cockney Rhyming Slang: a linguistic study
  • Using deductive and inductive methods in teaching English grammar to secondary school learners
  • English-based Creole Languages
  • Using drawings in teaching English phrasal verbs and idioms to junior secondary students
  • Diminutives and augmentatives in English and Spanish - a comparative study
Prace magisterskie
  • Police Slang in the English Language
  • Animal Verbs and Nouns and their Metaphorical Extensions in English
  • Arabic loans in English.
  • English borrowings in Modern Polish.
  • Ambiguity in English
  • Time measurement and Zodiac in Chinese and German as compared to English
  • English borrowings in Polish TV commercials.
  • Verb-Formation in English
  • Situating verbs in space: selected English verbal prefixes.
  • Word coining in English on the Internet
  • Lexical borrowing in English: Scandinavian, French and Japanese loanwords in the English language
  • English loans into the Polish computer slang
  • The Major Valency Properties of the English Verbs
  • Synchronic and Diachronic Lexical Differences Between Selected Dialects of English.
  • Comparison of English and German idiomatic expressions with colours and body parts.
  • English negative prefixes
  • The use of English neologisms in short text messages among Polish teenagers
  • The Productivity of Selected Affixes in English
  • Similarities and differences of women's and men's language on the basis of English and Polish
  • Paradigmatic and syntagmatic word relations in semantics and word association studies
  • Inter-Cultural Communication in the Process of Learning English.
  • Polish Loanwords in English
  • Selected valency classes of English verbs as compared with the Polish system.
  • The frequency of selected progressive tenses in American and British English: a corpus study.


Prace magisterskie
  • Analiza językowa nowych zapożyczeń z języka angielskiego w języku polskim.
  • Prefiksy negatywne w języku angielskim.
  • Leksyka języka angielskiego w historycznej perspektywie
  • Zapożyczenia z języka angielskiego we współczesnym języku rosyjskim
  • Produktywność angielskich prefiksów negatywnych
  • Zapożyczenia w języku angielskim z dziedziny ekonomii
  • Syntaktyczne i semantyczne typy angielskich złożeń.
  • Produktywność przedrostków w języku angielskim.
  • Zwierzęta w metaforze, metonimii i idiomach.
  • Functioning of selected English loanwords in Polish
  • Wieloznaczność i produktywność złożeń i procesów kreacji językowej.
  • Procesy słowotwórcze w wybranych książkach o Harrym Potterze
  • Angielski jako język analityczny
  • Word formation processes in the neologisms of African American Vernacular English.
  • Newly-formed English blends: an experimental approach to form and structure
  • Główne procesy tworzące Nomina Essendi we współczesnym języku angielskim, polskim i rosyjskim
  • Słowniki dla dzieci: założenia teoretyczne i przykładowy słownik.
  • Zapożyczenia niemieckie w języku angielskim
  • Grammatical function of the most productive negative prefixes in English and Polish participial adjectives
  • Verb deriving capacity of English suffixation
  • Expressing valency through affixation in English
  • An analysis of the most and least productive suffixes forming Nomina Essendi in English and Polish
  • Angielskie zapożyczenia we współczesnym języku polskim w dziedzinie technologii informacyjnych.
  • Spanglish as a mixture of the English and Spanish grammar systems


Rozprawy doktorskie
  • Structuring of News Discourse in English and Polish - a Corpus-Based Analysis of the Popular Press Texts
Prace magisterskie
  • Modern IT Neologisms and Borrowings in English and Polish.


Prace magisterskie
  • Types of Coordination in Cicero's " De re publica" and Livy's "Ab Urbe condita". An Interlingual Latin - English Analysis.
  • An analysis of English animal idioms.
  • Celtic Languages in the British Isles.
  • Comparision of Love and Life Metaphors in the Doors' and the Beatles' Lyrics.
  • Traces of foreign language influence on English vocabulary across its history.
  • Nominal compounds in English.
  • Sandhi Phenomena in British English Against a Broader Linguistic Background
  • Differences between British and American English
  • Conventions in subtitling and main difficulties with their translation.
  • False Friends in Translation on the Basis of Several Indo-European Languges.
  • Various ways of word-formation with compounding as the most productive means in English.
  • English lexical borrowings in the field of cosmetics as related to the language of advertising.
  • Productivity of chosen affixes in English.
  • English and Polish nominal compounds. A contrastive study.
  • Pronunciation of Vowels in English and in Polish.
  • A socio-linguistic analysis of code-switching in English and Spanish.
  • Cross-linguistic processes involved in historical change .
  • Compounding as the most prominent process for creating new vocabulary in English.
  • Linguistic aspects of selected Polish poetry in English translations.
  • Zero-derivation as a specifically English morphological process.
  • Orgins of humane language with English as its instantiation.


Prace licencjackie
  • The most effective ways and techniques of Teaching English in Kindergarten
  • Use of Songs in Teaching EFL to Primary School Students
  • Motivating ways of teaching pronunciation to secondary school students
  • Teaching English to Young Learners
  • The Role of Games in Teaching Speaking in Primary School
  • Teaching vocabulary through reading in the light of the new matura exam
  • Aspects of classroom management verified at primary level
  • Increasing Students' Motivation in Learning English Grammar: Effective strategies
  • Newspapers. The advantages of using authentic materials in teaching English at the secondary level
  • The use of context in teaching English vocabulary
  • Aspects of gender differences in teaching English in Primary Schools
  • A Case of Storytelling as a Successful Tactic in Teaching English to Primary School Pupils
  • Teching Communicative Skills to Foreign Language Students in the Light of the Common European Framework System
  • Developing communication skills with CMC tools.
  • The Role of Motivational Variables in Learning English as a Foreign Language: a Comparative Study
  • Use of Songs in Teching Vocabulary and Grammar to Teenage EFL Learners
  • Student-centred Learning through Authentic Materials
  • An English Lesson as a Way of Developing Social Interactions at the Early Stages of Education


Prace magisterskie
  • Borrowings in English; the diachronic perspective.
  • The Morphology-Syntax Interface. An Analysis of Clitics and Pseudo-Affixes in English and other Selected Languages.
  • Acquisition of language - a case of second language acquisition.
  • Major phenomena evoked by clitics in English and Polish.
  • An analysis of modern newspaper compound corpus in English.
  • Robert Cawdrey's dictionary 1604 - in search of a principle.
  • Semantic and syntactic aspect of English and Polish exocentric compounds.
  • English Borrowings in Polish. Comparison of Standard and non-standard register.
  • Language Change and Planning.The Globalisation of English versus Nationalism of Icelandic.
  • The nature of inner-linguistic neologisms.
  • The Language of Mass Media.
  • A cognitive analysis of "up" - semantics and structure.
  • Morphological Negation: Negative Prefixes in English and Norwegian.
  • Linguistic borrowing: multi-lingual perspective.
  • Bracketing Paradoxes and the Attempts at their Solving.
  • The status of suffixation in English morphology.
  • Major problems with explicitness in translating analyses of sports perfomance .
  • Dyslexia and the process of teaching English.
  • Language and its youth slang development in English and Polish.
  • Information Packaging in Early Modern English Prose.
  • The structure of English compounds- a case of noun-noun formations.
  • Productivity in word-formation: the case of affixation.
  • Live word formation in English: an overview of compounding phenomena.
  • English compounds: pedagogical implications.
  • A dictionary of musical terms - theory and application.
  • The aspect of persuasion in press advertising on the example of chosen British and American women's magazines.
  • An analisis of Polish and English idioms: animals in frozen expressions.
  • The compounds in English, German and Welsh.
  • Clitics (vs. affixes) in English and Polish.
  • Blends as manufactured lexical items in English and Polish.
  • Buisness English - a pedagogical perspective.
  • Chosen compound words in the English and the Polish versions of "Brave New World" by A. Huxley.
  • Inversion and Fronting in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century English.


Prace magisterskie
  • Morphological and non-morphological procesess in neologisms. A comparative study of Polish and English.


Prace magisterskie
  • Clipping and Acronymization in English and Spanish.
  • Productivity, creativity and Analogy in Word-formation.
  • Headedness of Compounds.
  • The Influence of English on the Polish of the Younger Genaration of Poles.
  • Selected classes of English compounds and corresponding expressions in Polish.
  • Productivity of selected non-concatenative processes.
  • Productivity of Conversion Processes in Present-Day English.
  • Problems in Word Change.
  • Colour idioms in English.
  • The Productivity of Selected Affixes in English, German and Hungarian.
  • Spell Checking Software Evaluation.
  • Word-manufacturing Processes in English and Polish and their Future.
  • Main varieties of lexical semantic change.
  • Restrictions on suffix combination in English.


Prace magisterskie
  • Clitics in English: basic concepts, problems with categorization and cliticization in informal register.
  • French loanwords in the English language.(Zapożyczenia francuskie w języku angielskim)
  • Metaphor and idiom. A comparative study of the figures. (Metafora i idiom. Analiza porównawcza obydwu figur.)
  • Neologisms in Prose and Poetry. (Neologizmy w literaturze i w poezji.)
  • Cloning Mechanism: Form and Meaning. (Mechanizm klonowania: forma i znaczenie)
  • Problems with level ordering in English morphology. (Problemy z teorią stratyfikacji w morfologii języka angielskiego).


Prace magisterskie
  • Universality of idioms'. Uniwersalność idiomów (związków frazeologicznych).
  • English Loauwrds into Polish: Musical Terms.
  • Relationskip between productivity and semantic regularities in morphological processes in English.
  • 'Word Manufacturing: an outline, insight and constraints' (Produkcja leksykalna: zarys, wgląd i ograniczenia.)
  • The Status of Semi- Affixes in English Word- Formation. (Status Semi- Afiksów w języku angielskim.
  • A contrastive analysis of phraseological units with the constituents "eye" and "hand" in Polish and English.


Prace magisterskie
  • "The phenomenon of nominal and verbal conversion in English, Polish and Dutch. (Zjawisko konwersji nominalno-werbalnej w języku angielskim, polskim i holenderskim).
  • Reflexivisation phenomena across the languages: english, polish and russian.
  • Nominal and verbal inherent categories of inflection in Old English and Modern English.
  • "Morphosyntactic Accounts of Agrammatism in Broca's Aphasia"
  • "Gender differences in English".
  • "Similarities and differences in semantic patterns of English and Polish noun-noun compounds".
  • "Lexicalisation as the last stage in the history of words"
  • Rules of blocking of word production in English.
  • "Productivity of affixation in word formation" (Produktywność afiksacji w słowotwórstwie).
  • "Arbitrariness versus Sound Symbolism".
  • "Distinctions between British English and American English in terms of spelling and morphology".
  • "Old English Compounds and their Traces in Modern Germanic Languages"