Katarzyna Maćkowska

dr hab. Katarzyna Maćkowska (prof. KUL)

Wydział Prawa, Prawa Kanonicznego i Administracji - Instytut Nauk Prawnych
Katedra Historii Ustroju i Prawa

Stanowisko: Profesor KUL



Historia ustroju państw:




1. typy ustrojów państwowych, Francja (12 X)



2. Francja (19 X)

kolokwium pisemne: Polska w okresie monarchii publicznoprawnej

(do 1764 r.)


3. Francja (26 X)

kolokwium pisemne: Reformy oświecenia w Polsce


4. kolokwium  ustne - Francja (9 XI)


5. Anglia (16 XI)

kolokwium pisemne: Księstwo Warszawskie i Królestwo Polskie


6. Anglia (23 XI)

kolokwium pisemne: Wielkie Księstwo Poznańskie, Rzeczpospolita Krakowska, Ziemie polskie pod zaborem austriackim


7. USA (30 XI) 

kolokwium pisemne: II RP

8. USA (7 XII)

kolokwium pisemne: II RP

9. kolokwium ustne - Anglia i USA (14 XII)


10. Niemcy (21 XII)


11. Rosja  (4 I)


12. Rosja (11 I)


13. kolokwium ustne - Niemcy i Rosja (18/25 stycznia)


Bankruptcy Law
12th / 13th of October: Sources of Bankruptcy law
  General Law of Massachusetts>Part I>Title XV>Chapter 109A>Section 3, Section 4, Section 7,
19th / 20th of October: Basic definitions. Butner Principle. Fresh Start Idea.
  Bankruptcy proceedings. Basic definitions - part I
   Bankruptcy Code>Chapter 1>Section 101
   Butner v. United States; Local Loan Company v. Hunt
26th / 27th of October and 3rd/9th of November: Butner Principle. Fresh Start Idea. Bankruptcy Courts. Trustees.
    Local Loan Company v. Hunt
  Bankruptcy Code>Chapter 1>Section 105
   Bankruptcy Code>Chapter 3>Section 321, Section 322, Section 323, Section 324, Section 325, Section 327
   U.S. Code>Title 28>Part I>Chapter 6>Section 151, Section 152, Section 156
   U.S. Code>Title 28>Part I>Chapter 21>Section 455
   U.S. Code>Title 28>Part II>Chapter 39>Section 581, Section 582, Section 583, Section 585, Section 586, Section 589a
   Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure>Part V>Rule 5001, Rule 5004
16th  / 17th of November: Eligibility for Bankruptcy. Dismissal and Abstention. Creditors' Rights. First Meeting of Creditors.
  Bankruptcy Code>Chapter 1>Section 109
   Bankruptcy Code>Chapter 3>Section 301, Section 302, Section 303, Section 305, Section 341
   Bankruptcy Code>Chapter 5>Section 521
   Bankruptcy Code>Chapter 7>Section 707(b)
   Bankruptcy Code>Chapter 11>Section 1112
   U.S. Code>Title 28>Part IV>Chapter 87>Section 1408
   Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure>Part I>Rule 1002, Rule 1003, Rule 1004, Rule 1004.1, Rule 1009, Rule 1016, Rule 1017
   Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure>Part II>Rule 2002, Rule 2003, Rule 2004
23th / 24th of November: Automatic Stay. Proof of Claims.
   Bankruptcy Code>Chapter 3>Section 362
   Bankruptcy Code>Chapter 5>Section 501, Section 541
   Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure>Part III>Rule 3001
30th of November/ 1st of December and 7th/8th of December: Property of the estates. Exemptions. Priorities. Preferences.
  Bankruptcy Code>Chapter 5>Section 507, Section 522,Section 541, Section 547
14th/15th of December: Avoiding Liens in Bankruptcy. Discharge. Dealing with Secured Debts.
  Bankruptcy Code>Chapter 5>Section 5248
21st/22nd of December  and 4th/5th of January: Liquidation
  Bankruptcy Code>Chapter 7>Section 705, Section 721, Section 726, Section 727
   Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure>Part V>Rule 5009
11th/12th of January and 18th/19th of January: Reorganization
  Bankruptcy Code>Chapter 11>Section 1107, Section 1121, Section 1123, Section 1125
   Bankruptcy Code>Chapter 11>Section 1126, Section 1129, Section 1142
 18th/19th and 25th/26th of January: exam
Semestr letni:
 System administracji publicznej w Stanach Zjednoczonych
19.02: Wprowadzenie
26.02: Konstytucyjne podstawy administracji federalnej i administracji stanowych
 Konstytucja USA: art. 4, Poprawka X
05.03: Konstytucyjne podstawy władztwa lokalnego
12.03: Status ustrojowy Prezydenta USA. Urząd Wykonawczy Prezydenta
 Konstytucja USA: art. 2, Poprawka XII, Poprawka XX, Poprawka XXV
19.03: Departamenty rządowe
26.03: Agencje administracyjne
09.04: Administracyjne usamodzielnienie jednostek lokalnych
16.04: Podziały lokalne: Powiaty i gminy
23.04: Municypalitety i okręgi specjalne
07.05 i 14.05: Status dystryktu stołecznego
21.05 i 28.05: Stanowe władze administracyjne
04.06: Służba cywilna
Zaliczenie 11 czerwca 2018 r., godz. 15.00, sala CI 201


Famous American Trials
Al Capone, Salem Witchcraft, Charles Manson, O.J. Simpson, George Zimmerman, Moussavi, "frivolous lawsuits"


Exam on 4th and 11th of June, 2018 r., at 15.00, room CI 201
American Local Government
21st of February Introduction. Local autonomy. Basic terms for local government
28th of February: Local government in the federal structure of the U.S.
Declaration of Interdependence (please print only the text of Declaration - at the top of a page), Syllabus of Rutan v. Republican Party of Illinois (1990), Syllabus of Printz v. United States (1997), Syllabus of Washington v. Glucksberg (1997)
7th of March: Sources of local governing power. Cross-boundary cooperation.Formation of localities
Hunter v. City of Pittsburgh (1907), Pennsylvania Municipal Consolidation Act (1994)
14th of March: Introduction to Home-Rule
New York State Constitution: Local Bills of Rights, please print article IX and bring along the Pennsylvania Municipal Consolidation Act
21st of March: Dimensions of Home-Rule: Structural and Personnel Autonomy
4th of April: Dimensions of Home Rule: Fiscal Autonomy
The Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (please print only the following sections: 2, 4, 106)
Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act: 2 U.S.C. Section 658
City of Pittsburg v. Alco Parking Cooperation (1974)
Adjustment of Debts of Municipality: Bankruptcy Code: Section 902, 903, 904
11th of April: Dimensions of Home-Rule: Functional Autonomy
Regulation of land use, Eminent Domain - Texas regulations
Code of County of Santa Barbara: please print the following sections: Chapter 1, Art. I, Section 2-1, Chapter 2, Art. X
Massachusetts General Law: please print the following sections: Part I, Title VI, Chapter 34, Sections 1-4 and Chapter 34A, Sections: 1-2 and 16
Maryland Constitution: Art. XI-A, Art. XI-F, Art. XIII
Louisiana Constitution: Art. VI, please print only Part 1
Alaska Constitution: Art. X
18th of April: Municipalities
Charter of Fort Collins: please print the following articles: I, II, III, IV, VII, IX, XIII of the Home Rule Charter
25th of April: Municipalities
9th of May: Counties
16th of May: Towns and townships
23rd of May and 30th of May: Washington D.C.
6th of June: Summary
Exam: 13th of June, 2018, at 9.10 in room CI 100