prof. Antonio Iturmendi Mac-Lellan

Lista prowadzonych zajęć niecyklicznych - Semestr Letni 2023/2024

SalaGodz.od-doPrzedmiotRodzaj zajęć
2024-05-14 (WTOREK)
CTW-30215:50 - 17:30 Working Climate and Empoloyee's Integration konwersatorium
2024-05-15 (ŚRODA)
C-50312:30 - 14:10 Employee's Motivation and Development konwersatorium
C-60515:50 - 17:30 Working Climate and Empoloyee's Integration konwersatorium
2024-05-16 (CZWARTEK)
C-52410:50 - 14:10 Working Climate and Empoloyee's Integration konwersatorium
C-61814:10 - 17:30 Employee's Motivation and Development konwersatorium
2024-05-17 (PIĄTEK)
C-41212:30 - 15:50 Employee's Motivation and Development konwersatorium
CTW-20315:50 - 19:10 Working Climate and Empoloyee's Integration konwersatorium
2024-05-20 (PONIEDZIAŁEK)
C-42107:30 - 10:50 Employee's Motivation and Development konwersatorium
C-41617:30 - 19:10 Working Climate and Empoloyee's Integration konwersatorium
2024-05-21 (WTOREK)
CTW-30215:50 - 17:30 Working Climate and Empoloyee's Integration konwersatorium
2024-05-22 (ŚRODA)
C-50312:30 - 14:10 Employee's Motivation and Development konwersatorium
C-60515:50 - 17:30 Working Climate and Empoloyee's Integration konwersatorium
2024-05-23 (CZWARTEK)
C-52410:50 - 14:10 Working Climate and Empoloyee's Integration konwersatorium
C-51714:10 - 17:30 Employee's Motivation and Development konwersatorium
2024-05-24 (PIĄTEK)
C-41212:30 - 15:50 Employee's Motivation and Development konwersatorium
CTW-20315:50 - 17:30 Working Climate and Empoloyee's Integration konwersatorium
2024-05-27 (PONIEDZIAŁEK)
C-42107:30 - 10:50 Employee's Motivation and Development konwersatorium
C-41617:30 - 19:10 Working Climate and Empoloyee's Integration konwersatorium
2024-05-28 (WTOREK)
CTW-30215:50 - 17:30 Working Climate and Empoloyee's Integration konwersatorium
2024-05-29 (ŚRODA)
C-50312:30 - 14:10 Employee's Motivation and Development konwersatorium
C-60515:50 - 17:30 Working Climate and Empoloyee's Integration konwersatorium

T: każdy tydzień1 - pierwszy tydzień
A: nieparzysty tydzień2 - drugi tydzień
B: parzysty tydzień3 - trzeci tydzień
C: 1 i 2 tydzień4 - czwarty tydzień
D: 3 i 4 tydzień