Diploma Seminar- Linguistics (seminarium) - 2022/2023

Opis zajęć
Informacje ogólne
Prowadzący:prof. dr hab. Wilken Engelbrecht
Organizator:Faculty of Humanities - Instytut Filologii Angielskiej
Liczba godzin tydzień/semestr: 2/30
Język wykładowy:Język polski
Kierunek studiów:Filologia Niderlandzka (stacjonarne II stopnia) - Semestr II; Filologia Niderlandzka (stacjonarne II stopnia) - Semestr IV
Cele przedmiotu
C1 Acquaintance of students with linguistic research in Dutch language.
C2 Learning and assimilation techniques of the principles of drafting the text in Dutch, and the practical use of information technology software and word processing.
C3 Knowledge and practical application of data mining techniques for empirical scientific research, the constitution of the body of research (thematic dictionaries, bilingual parallel text corpora and comparable to the literature and in various fields of professional and academic).
C4 Develop skills and depth analysis of scientific texts and understanding of reality, and a critical attitude to the terms and definitions in scientific papers.
C5 Preparing for self-development and research body to write and defend a thesis.
Wymagania wstępne
1. Knowledge of Polish and Dutch at the C1 CEFR level.
2. Good knowledge of theories and research practices in the field of linguistics and interest in extending knowledge in this field.
3. The ability to formulate a research problem in writing in accordance with the assumptions and objectives of the seminar.
Efekty kształcenia dla przedmiotu
W_01 The student knows philological terminology in Dutch and Polish at the advanced level.
W_02 The student has in-depth knowledge about the connections of the studied disciplines within the field of Dutch Philology with other scientific disciplines in the field of humanities, enabling the integration of perspectives relevant for several scientific disciplines
W_03 The student has basic knowledge about institutions related to the cultivation of Dutch language and culture.

U_01 The student is able to search, analyze, evaluate, select and integrate information using various sources and formulate on this basis critical judgments in selected scientific disciplines relevant to Dutch linguistics.
U_02 The student has the ability to formulate critical opinions in the field of Dutch linguistics.
U_03 The student has Dutch language skills in the field of Dutch linguistics and is able to prepare advanced scientific essay in various formats (e.g. summary, review, master's thesis in Dutch, using auxiliary sources).

K_01 The student is able to choose the topic of the thesis in a well-founded manner and prepare to write the thesis in the second year of study.
K_02 The student understands the possibilities of applying research methodology in the studied fields.
Metody dydaktyczne
1 Face-to-face class teaching and explanation.
2 Presenting selected papers and presentations to the students in order to let them make their own output.
3 Papers and presentations of the students.
4 Group discussion.
Treści programowe przedmiotu
During the semester, the students of the group present various chapters of theses in progress.
Students also discuss in a presentation format and relate to problems they encounter during their research and writing.
These problems are discussed during classes in which the promoter presents suggestions for solutions, points to additional literature and implements linguistic correction.
Stages of writing of the thesis: in February 60% of the thesis must be ready, in April 80% and in May the manuscript of the entire thesis.
Kryteria oceny i sposoby weryfikacji zakładanych efektów kształcenia
Mark 2 The student does not have knowledge of the types of research, methods of conducting and development in the form of text and graphics.
Mark 3 The student has general knowledge of linguistic-cognitive research methodology and basic terminology.
Mark 4 The student has good knowledge related to the methods of conducting and description of research in linguistics and Translation Studies. He knows the terminology of the specific field.
Mark 5 The student has above average knowledge related to the methods of conducting and description of research in linguistics and translation studies. He knows the terminology of the specific field. He knows the tools and databases used in the study of translation and linguistics.

Mark 2 The student is not able to formulate the problem and to research.
Mark 3 The student is able to formulate the problem and purpose of the research, develop the main criteria for selection of primary sources.
Mark 4 The student is able to argue properly in a scientific way based on his own research, formulating correct conclusions. He can also discuss about his undertaken research project.
Mark 5 The student meets the requirements set for the evaluation of 4 and is able to formulate a critical position in relation to other research methods, if necessary, to modify his position. The student is able to defend and justify the validity of the conclusions from his research results.

Mark 2 The student is not able to find sources of information on the chosen research topic.
Mark 3 The student is able to use only sources of information based on the bibliography supplied to him by the teacher.
Mark 4 The student is able to indentify independently sources of information he needs, to analyze them and to make a selection as suggested by the teacher.
Mark 5 The student determines his own information needs, acquires the necessary information and is not limited to one medium or document type, makes his careful analysis and evaluation for the set purpose of research, determines the degree of usefulness and decides how to use them for the purpose of his work.
Literatura podstawowa i uzupełniająca
Hubert van den Berg & Wilken Engelbrecht, Stijlgids BA- en MA-scripties. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého 2019
Umberto:Eco, Hoe schrijf ik een scriptie? Amsterdam: Bert Bakker 2010
W. Oosterbaan, Een leesbare scriptie. Amsterdam: Prometheus 2009

Joy de Jong, Handboek academisch schrijven. Baarn: Coutinho 2011
S.M. Schroevers, Citaat en plagiaat. Kluwer 2005
Ch. Willox, Citeren en refereren. Schriftelijke, mondelinge, audiovisuele en electronische bronnen. Leuven: Garant 2002
The subject literature depends on the research topic chosen by the seminar participants
Kierunek studiów: Dutch Studies
Lokalizacja w planach rocznych:
Etap:Year I - Semester 2
Number of ECTS credits: 2
Form of assessment: Credit
Etap:Year II - Semester 4
Number of ECTS credits: 4
Form of assessment: Credit
DataDzieńSalaGodz.od-doForma zajęć
2023-02-24piątekCTW-220 08:20 - 10:00stacjonarne
2023-03-03piątekCTW-220 08:20 - 10:00stacjonarne
2023-03-10piątekCTW-220 08:20 - 10:00stacjonarne
2023-03-17piątekCTW-220 08:20 - 10:00stacjonarne
2023-03-24piątekCTW-220 08:20 - 10:00stacjonarne
2023-03-31piątekCTW-220 08:20 - 10:00stacjonarne
2023-04-14piątekCTW-220 08:20 - 10:00stacjonarne
2023-04-21piątekGG-212B 08:20 - 10:00stacjonarne
2023-04-28piątekCTW-220 08:20 - 10:00stacjonarne
2023-05-05piątekCTW-220 08:20 - 10:00stacjonarne
2023-05-12piątekCTW-220 08:20 - 10:00stacjonarne
2023-05-19piątekCTW-220 08:20 - 10:00stacjonarne
2023-05-26piątekCTW-220 08:20 - 10:00stacjonarne
2023-06-02piątekCTW-220 08:20 - 10:00stacjonarne
2023-06-20wtorekCTW-220 08:20 - 10:00stacjonarne