Chinese business language (ćwiczenia) - 2022/2023

Opis zajęć
Informacje ogólne
Prowadzący:mgr Jianhua Yang
Organizator:Faculty of Humanities - Instytut Studiów Klasycznych i Orientalnych
Liczba godzin tydzień/semestr: 30
Język wykładowy:Język polski
Kierunek studiów:Sinologia (stacjonarne I stopnia) - Semestr V
Cele przedmiotu
C1 Getting to know the Chinese business culture
C2. Familiar vocabulary in the field of business
C3 Understand the company's basic knowledge and mode of operation
C4. Learn the basic experience and skills related to working in a company
C5. Learn some professional practice about international trade
Wymagania wstępne
1.W1 Active participation in classes
2.Preview and review the classroom materials
2. Read enough business texts after the classroom tutorial
3. Read news about business and international trade situation.
Learning outcomes for the subject
Knowledge about company and international trade with China
Efekty kształcenia dla przedmiotu
K_W09 Basic knowledge of modern Chinese business language.


K_U17 Communicates in Chinese on current matters related to the stay in China, business visits, business meetings, in particular all possible activities in enterprises as a member of the company, the arrangement of all possible work, meetings, business and the development of entrepreneurship culture. And skills to do international trade with China.

K_K09 Is able to cooperate and work in a group and make contacts and build social relations
K_K10 Is able to make contacts and co-operate with representatives of different cultures and with Chinese companies and businessmen.
Metody dydaktyczne
Students read and translate business texts, work in groups, practise business in classroom, prepare presentations to get to know issues in the Chinese business language.
Treści programowe przedmiotu
Course contents of the subject
Suppose that students will work in Chinese companies after completing KUL, learn to know the following company activities:

1. company management, including the company structure, company's offices and daily arrangements and meetings;

2. business discussion about business and company development with company colleagues;

3. about recruitment, regulations, vocational training and entrepreneurship culture;

4. Reading and writing office and business texts, such conference announcements, announcements, invitations, business documents, reports, etc.

5.Professional trade terms in Chinese;

6.Trade contracts in Chinese;

7.International shipment in Chinese language;

8.Prices of import and export of international trade in Chinese language;

9.International payment in Chinese language;

10.Ways of international business in Chinese language.

Vocabulary and grammatical structures are presented in accordance with the leading manual and additional materials.
Kryteria oceny i sposoby weryfikacji zakładanych efektów kształcenia
Assessment criteria and methods of verification of the assumed learning outcomes
A test about Chinese company business and international trade text.

100% -95% very good
95% -90% db +
90% -80% db
80-70% dst +
70% -60% dst
60% -0% ndst
Literatura podstawowa i uzupełniająca
ateriały przygotowane przez prowadzącego:
1.Business Chinese in Companies(公司汉语), by Peking University;
2.Quick Business Chinese(New Silk-way Business Chinese (II), by Peking University Press;
3. Business Chinese 900.
Kierunek studiów: Chinese Studies
Lokalizacja w planach rocznych:
Etap:Year III - Semester 5
Number of ECTS credits: 4
Form of assessment: Grade
DataDzieńSalaGodz.od-doForma zajęć
2022-10-05środaCTW-216 13:20 - 15:00stacjonarne
2022-10-12środaCTW-216 13:20 - 15:00stacjonarne
2022-10-19środaCTW-216 13:20 - 15:00stacjonarne
2022-10-26środaCTW-216 13:20 - 15:00stacjonarne
2022-11-09środaCTW-216 13:20 - 15:00stacjonarne
2022-11-16środaCTW-216 13:20 - 15:00stacjonarne
2022-11-23środaCTW-216 13:20 - 15:00stacjonarne
2022-11-30środaCTW-216 13:20 - 15:00stacjonarne
2022-12-07środaCTW-216 13:20 - 15:00stacjonarne
2022-12-14środaCTW-216 13:20 - 15:00stacjonarne
2022-12-21środaCTW-216 13:20 - 15:00stacjonarne
2023-01-04środaCTW-216 13:20 - 15:00stacjonarne
2023-01-11środaCTW-216 13:20 - 15:00stacjonarne
2023-01-18środaCTW-216 13:20 - 15:00stacjonarne
2023-01-25środaCTW-216 13:20 - 15:00stacjonarne