History of sources of Polish ecclesiastical law (including eastern synodis) (wykład) - 2022/2023

Opis zajęć
Informacje ogólne
Prowadzący:Ks. dr hab. Tadeusz Syczewski prof. KUL
Organizator:Faculty of Law, Canon Law and Administration - Institute of Canon Law
Liczba godzin tydzień/semestr: 18
Język wykładowy:Język polski
Kierunek studiów:Prawo Kanoniczne (niestacjonarne jednolite magisterskie) - Semestr II
Cele przedmiotu
The course covers the history of the particular legislation in Poland, having regard to the institutions of the Church, legislative activity archbishops and bishops in their units, especially the front desk and Codex council resolutions on diocesan synods convened provincial and plenary. Moreover, given the exploration of particular law, religious and social relations, as well as the customs, culture, education, and the environment of the Polish mentality of the era. The lecture is extended to the east going synodal legislation. Students learn the origin of the various church institutions that are needed to better understand the law and have the potential to work in libraries and archives of the church.
Wymagania wstępne
The course covers the history of the particular legislation in Poland, bishops legislative activity in their units, especially the front desk and Codex council resolutions on diocesan synods convened provincial and plenary. The lecture is extended to the east going synodal legislation.
Efekty kształcenia dla przedmiotu
KNOWLEDGE: know the law and history of the Synodal Church institutions to better understand the rules (K2A_W01, 02, 04)
SKILLS: Understand the sources of various ecclesiastical institutions need to better understand the law and have the potential to work in libraries and archives of the church (K2A_U01, 03, 11)
SOCIAL SKILLS (postures) during the implementation of the content sources on the history of Polish law, the Latin and Eastern emphasize the importance of these sources and their impacts on the development of the particular hierarchical system (K2A_K01, 03, 08)
Metody dydaktyczne
lecture, work with texts, discussion
Treści programowe przedmiotu
Sources and literature
Legal Documents of the Holy See
Records of the Conference of the Polish Episcopate
The emergence and development of church organization in Poland
Organization of Polish provincial synods
Congresses bishops
Characteristics synods legackich
Synod legacki legate Peter of Capua
Statutes legate John of Tuskulum of 1287
Legation Obizo Abbot (1245-1254)
Synod Wroclaw legate Jacob Leodium of 1248
Synod, Cardinal Wroclaw. Gwidon of 1267
Synod legacki legate Philip of Fermo in 1279, the
Legackie Synods of 1302 and 1309 years celebrated in Pressburg
Reform Church Archbishop Henry Kietlicz
Synod Archbishop Vincent of Niałka in 1226
Archbishop Janusz legislative activities
Synod of Archbishop James Pigs
Synod Archbishop Janisława in Uniejow in 1326
Legal Monuments Archbishop Jaroslaw Bogoria-Skotnicki
Synod of Archbishop John Suchegowilka
Synod Archbishop Nicholas Kurowski in Kalisz in 1406
Archbishop Nicholas Church Activity Trunks
Codification Nicholas trumpets 1420
Adalbert church activities Jastrzebiec
Archbishop Vincent synods Cat
Synod Archbishop Zbigniew Oleśnicki of 1485
Synod of Archbishop John Laski
A collection of John Laski 1523
Synod Archbishop Matthias Drzewicki of 1532
Synod Archbishop John Latalskiego of 1539
Synods Archbishop Peter Gamrat
Legislation Archbishop Nicholas Dzierzgowskiego
Synod Archbishop John Przerębskiego of 1561
The main assumptions of the Tridentine reforms and adoption of resolutions in Poland
Synod Archbishop James Uchański in Piotrkow of 1577
Legislative activities of Archbishop S. Karnkowski
The reform of the Tridentine Archbishop B. Maciejowski
Archbishop Lawrence Gembicki Synod of 1621
Synods and codification of Archbishop John Tubing
Synod Archbishop Matthias Łubieński of 1643
A collection of Christopher Żórawski
History and Law of the Eastern Churches
Provincial synods Uniate in Kobrin in 1626
Zamojski Synod of 1720,
Lviv synod of 1891
Reborn Polish Plenary Synod in Czestochowa, 1936
Message of the Episcopal Synod of the introduction of the First Plenary Session of 1938
II Polish Plenary Synod (1991-1999), genesis, recognitio, promulgatio, receptio
II Polish Plenary Synod (1991-1999), the resolution
Instruction on Diocesan Synod 1997
Diocesan synods in the interwar period
Diocesan Synods of the Second Vatican Council
Diocesan Synods of the Code of Pope John Paul II, 1983
Diocesan synods after the promulgation of the second Polish Plenary Synod
Diocesan Legislation
Legislation pozasynodalne
The statutes of cathedral chapters and kolegiackich
Collection of church documents
Polish church archives
Kryteria oceny i sposoby weryfikacji zakładanych efektów kształcenia
TEACHING METHODS: historical and legal method and the use of source materials while discussing various church institutions, as well as the establishment of canon law in particular synods
ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: basic knowledge of positive activity, the ability to use synodal legislation, knowledge of the historical and legal methods
Literatura podstawowa i uzupełniająca
1.I. Subera, Synody prowincjonalne arcybiskupów gnieźnieńskich. Wybór tekstów ze zbioru Jana Wężyka z r. 1761, Warszawa 1981; Publikacja Subery przedstawia ustawodawstwo archidiecezji gnieźnieńskiej wraz z kościelnymi kodyfikacjami.
2.W. Góralski, Wprowadzenie do historii ustawodawstwa synodalnego w Polsce, Lublin 1991. Książka Góralskiego dodatkowo uwzględnia ustawodawstwo legackie, podając pełny zakres historii ustawodawstwa synodalnego w Polsce.
1.A. Theiner, Vetera Monumenta Poloniae et Lithuaniae genitumque finitimarum historiam illustrantia, vol. 1-4, Romae 1860-1864; Zawiera teksty źródłowe dotyczące kościelnego prawa polskiego i jest przydatna przy cytowaniu źródeł, a także pisaniu prac naukowych.
2.P. W. Fabisz, Wiadomość o synodach prowincjonalnych i diecezjalnych gnieźnieńskich i o prawach Kościoła polskiego z dodatkiem spisu synodów diecezjalnych polskich, Kępno 1861, podaje wykaz ustawodawstwa synodalnego w Polsce z opisem synodów i kodyfikacji.
Kierunek studiów: Canon Law
Lokalizacja w planach rocznych:
Etap:Year I - Semester 2
Number of ECTS credits: 4
Form of assessment: Examination
DataDzieńSalaGodz.od-doForma zajęć
2023-02-24piątekCI-103A 07:30 - 10:50zdalne
2023-03-10piątekCI-103A 07:30 - 10:50stacjonarne
2023-04-28piątekCI-103A 07:30 - 10:50zdalne
2023-05-12piątekCI-103A 07:30 - 10:50zdalne
2023-06-16piątekCI-103A 09:10 - 10:50zdalne