Dutch cultural studies (wykład) - 2022/2023

Opis zajęć
Informacje ogólne
Prowadzący:prof. dr hab. Wilken Engelbrecht
Organizator:Faculty of Humanities - Instytut Filologii Angielskiej
Liczba godzin tydzień/semestr: 2/30
Język wykładowy:Język polski
Kierunek studiów:Filologia Niderlandzka (stacjonarne II stopnia) - Semestr I; Filologia Niderlandzka (stacjonarne II stopnia) - Semestr III
Cele przedmiotu
1 The students acquire knowledge of selected issues in the cultural life, literature, painting, music, traditions of the Netherlands and Belgium.
2. The students will develop and expand their ability to use scientific terminology in the field of cultural studies.
3. The students will acquire in-depth skills of identifying and analysing social and historical mechanisms and cultural phenomena.
4. The students will gain in-depth knowledge of the history of Dutch and Flemish culture, periodization, main currents, artists and works belonging to the cultural canon of the Dutch-speaking area.
Wymagania wstępne
1. Knowledge of the Dutch language at C1 CEFR
2. Ability to analyze sources in Dutch at the level of the BA Philology exam
3. Interest in cultural studies as well as Dutch and Flemish culture
4. Ability to read sources in Dutch with an understanding of how to prepare academic essays in Dutch and speak in a discussion about culture

Nota Bene: A maximum of 2 absences during the course is allowed.
Nota Bene 2: Every second week will be online according to the scheme published on the website of the Chair. The courses will be in MS Zoom. The students are obliged to have their webcams swicthed on.
Efekty kształcenia dla przedmiotu
W_01 The student knows the terminology in Dutch at an advanced level.
W_02 The student will learn and understand at an advanced level the historical character of the formation of selected traditions, theories or schools of research in the field of selected scientific disciplines appropriate to the major in Dutch Philology.
W_03 The student will learn and understand advanced methods of analysing and interpreting various cultural productions appropriate to selected traditions, theories or research schools within selected academic disciplines specific to the major in Dutch Philology..

U_01. The student detects complex relationships between social and cultural processes and changes in literature or language.
U_02 The student is able to conduct a critical analysis and interpretation of various types of cultural products specific to studies in the field of Dutch cultural studies, using original approaches to determine their meanings, social impact, place in the historical and cultural process.

K_01. The student is aware of the importance of the Dutch language and intellectual products in this language in European and world culture.
Metody dydaktyczne
Writing summaries of completed studies in Belgium and the Netherlands
Lecture, Multimedia Presentations
Treści programowe przedmiotu
Classes will be scheduled in 15 blocks/semester of 2 lessons each. Winter terms will be scheduled as follows:
1 The Netherlands in the Rhineland and under the rule of the Franks
2 The Netherlands in the Middle Ages
3 The Netherlands under the Burgundians
4 The Netherlands under the Habsburgs
5 Protestantism and the Netherlands Uprising against Spain
6 The Eighty Years' War
7 Anglo-Dutch Naval Wars
8 The French period
9 United Kingdom of the Netherlands
10 Industrial Revolution
11 The Social Revolution and the First World War
12 The inter-war period
13 World War II
14 After World War II
15 Decolonisation and its consequences
Kryteria oceny i sposoby weryfikacji zakładanych efektów kształcenia
Knowledge criteria:
for grade 2: The student has no basic knowledge in the art and history of the Netherlands; for grade 3: The student has general knowledge in the art and history of the Netherlands; for grade 4: The student has structured knowledge in the art and history of the Netherlands; for grade 5: The student has complete knowledge in the art and history of the Netherlands.

Skills criteria:
for grade 2: The student is unable to demonstrate the ability to analyse the arts and history of the Netherlands. Lack of participation in classes or excessive number of unexcused absences (more than 2 times in a semester); for grade 3: The student has basic ability to analyse the arts and history of the Netherlands, is able to associate them with cultural facts and situate them in the European and world context; for grade 4: The student has the skills listed in the previous column to a good degree; for grade 5: The student demonstrates above-average skills in the area described at grade (4).

Criteria of social competence:
for grade 2: The student is not familiar with the basics of continuous self-education and solving problems independently; for grade 3: The student has basic competences described in the part "learning outcomes - competences"; for grade 4: The student has the above-mentioned competences to a satisfactory degree; for grade 5: The student has the above-mentioned competences to an above-average degree, and in particular he demonstrates above-average independence in applying them..

Nota bene: A maximum of 2 absences are allowed during the course !!!
Literatura podstawowa i uzupełniająca
Basic literature
H. Blom & E. Lamberts, Geschiedenis van de Nederlanden. Amsterdam: Bert Bakker, 2014 (2e druk)
L. Heerma van Voss et al., Wereldgeschiedenis van Nederland. Amsterdam: Ambo – Anthos, 2018
M. Reynebeau, Een geschiedenis van België. Tielt: Lannoo, 2010

Recommended Literature
W. Blockman, Metropolen aan de Noordzee (Algemene Geschiedenis van Nederland 3). Amsterdam: Bert Bakker, 2010
A. Th. van Deursen, De last van veel geluk (Algemene Geschiedenis van Nederland 10). Amsterdam: Bert Bakker, 2006
W. van den Doel & L. Blussé, Zover de wereld strekt (Algemene Geschiedenis van Nederland 8). Amsterdam: Bert Bakker, 2011
P. C. Emmer & J. Gommans, Rijk aan de rand van de wereld (Algemene Geschiedenis van Nederland 4). Amsterdam: Bert Bakker, 2012
L. Kooijmans, Onze vroegste voorouders (Algemene Geschiedenis van Nederland 1). Amsterdam: Bert Bakker, 2017
M. Mostert, In de marge van de beschaving (Algemene Geschiedenis van Nederland 2). Amsterdam: Bert Bakker, 2009
L. Wils, Vlaanderen, België, Groot-Nederland. Mythe en geschiedenis. Leuven: Davidsfonds, 1994
E. Witte, A. Meynen & D. Luytwen, Politieke geschiedenis van België van 1830 tot heden. Antwerpen: Manteau, 2016
Materiały dostarczone przez prowadzącego
Kierunek studiów: Dutch Studies
Lokalizacja w planach rocznych:
Etap:Year I - Semester 1
Number of ECTS credits: 3
Form of assessment: Grade
Etap:Year II - Semester 3
Number of ECTS credits: 2
Form of assessment: Grade
DataDzieńSalaGodz.od-doForma zajęć
2022-10-07piątekCTW-220 09:10 - 10:50stacjonarne
2022-10-14piątekCTW-220 09:10 - 10:50stacjonarne
2022-10-21piątekCTW-220 09:10 - 10:50stacjonarne
2022-10-28piątekCTW-220 09:10 - 10:50stacjonarne
2022-11-04piątekCTW-220 09:10 - 10:50stacjonarne
2022-11-18piątekCTW-220 09:10 - 10:50stacjonarne
2022-11-25piątekCTW-220 09:10 - 10:50stacjonarne
2022-12-02piątekCTW-220 09:10 - 10:50stacjonarne
2022-12-09piątekCTW-220 09:10 - 10:50stacjonarne
2022-12-16piątekCTW-220 09:10 - 10:50stacjonarne
2022-12-23piątekCTW-220 09:10 - 10:50stacjonarne
2023-01-13piątekCTW-220 09:10 - 10:50stacjonarne
2023-01-20piątekCTW-220 09:10 - 10:50stacjonarne
2023-01-26czwartekCTW-220 09:10 - 10:50stacjonarne
2023-01-27piątekCTW-220 09:10 - 10:50stacjonarne