Dutch Grammar (wykład) - 2022/2023

Opis zajęć
Informacje ogólne
Prowadzący:prof. dr hab. Wilken Engelbrecht
Organizator:Faculty of Humanities - Instytut Filologii Angielskiej
Liczba godzin tydzień/semestr: 2/30
Język wykładowy:Język polski
Kierunek studiów:Filologia Niderlandzka (stacjonarne I stopnia) - Semestr V
Cele przedmiotu
C1 - The students should receive a systematic survey of the syntax of Dutch.
C2 - The aim of this subject is to give the students the theoretical background to practical PNJN grammar exercises.
C3 - By studying the given theory, the students should acquire a better understanding of the differences between Dutch, their own Slavonic mother tongue and other Germanic languages such as English and German.
Wymagania wstępne
Having finished the subject Gramatika in the second BA year.
Efekty kształcenia dla przedmiotu
W1 - The student has a basic knowledge of the place and importance of Dutch Philology in relation to other humanities and the specificity and methodology of Dutch Philology.
W2 - The student knows the basic philological terminology in Dutch.
W4 - The student has a structured general knowledge of terminology used within Dutch Philology, understands its sources and uses in related scientific disciplines.
W12 - The student knows and understands the basic mechanisms of language functioning in a detailed reference to the Dutch language and compares them to other languages.
W16 - Student is aware of the complex nature of language and its complexity; He knows that the language competence includes both declarative knowledge (e.g. grammar, lexical) and procedural skills (e.g. language skills such as reading, writing, speaking, listening).

U2 - The student can search, analyze, evaluate, select and use information related to the field of study in the field of Dutch Philology.
U3 - The student can accurately and correctly logically and linguistically express his ideas and views in Dutch.
U4 - The student uses various language registers including academic language register.
U16 - The student can use typical network messengers (e.g. skype) to exchange information and scientific views.
U22 - The student has language skills in the Dutch language, in accordance with the requirements laid down by the European System of Language Training.

K1 - The student knows the scope of his knowledge and skills and understands the prospects for further development.
K2 - The student understands the need for continuous learning and professional development.
K3 - The student knows the need to constantly activate and expand their language skills in the Dutch language.
K4 - The student is able to cooperate and work in a group, accepting different roles.
K6 - The student is able to plan, taking into account priorities, actions aimed at achieving the tasks he/she is undertaking.
K7 - The student understands the relationship between the quality and level of the tool obtained in the Dutch language and its perception as a person by the outside world.
Metody dydaktyczne
The lessons are given in Dutch language!

M1 - Traditional contact activities: tutor - students.
M2 - Group exercises.
M3 - Homework (mainly reading and writing samples).
Treści programowe przedmiotu
The course will be given every week, alternately physically in the classroom and online. The course has 14 lessons and a recapitulation lesson).
1. General introduction into Dutch grammar with a focus on syntax. Recapitulation of phonetic features of Dutch.
2. The so-called zinspolen (sentence anchors) in main clauses and subordinate clauses.
3. The predicate and its functions.
4. The subject.
5. The direct object and the prepositional object.
6. The indirect object.
7. The causal object, the determination of condition and the acting object.
8. The specifying complement and the predicative complement.
9-10. Adverbial clauses.
11-12.Composite sentences.
13-14. Verb phrases.
15. Recapitulation of the course.
Kryteria oceny i sposoby weryfikacji zakładanych efektów kształcenia
During the course a maximum of 2 absences is tolerated!

At mark 2: EK - The student does not know basic grammatical concepts at the level B1 and therefore can not apply them in practice; UK - The student does not cope in most communication situations. He can not create simple, consistent oral and written statements; KK - The student is self dependent, he can not plan his work to achieve his goals; he does not improve social skills by actively participating in exchange of sentences; he does not discuss.
At mark 3: EK - The student knows grammatical terms from the level B1, but using them he makes a lot of mistakes; UK - The student copes in some communication situations. He can create simple but inconsistent oral and written speech that shows a large number of grammatical errors seriously distorting the message; KK - The student tries to be independent and to plan his work to bring effects, but still often fails; he is not active in finding ways to transfer theoretical grammar into practice.
At mark 4: EK - The student knows grammatical concepts from the B1 level and can apply zhem in oral and written practice but makes some mistakes; UK - The student can handle most communication situations. He can create simple, consistent oral or written statements on topics that are familiar to him/her. He can describe experiences, events, dreams, hopes and intentions, briefly justifying or explaining his opinions and plans, while making grammatical errors that do not interfere with the message; KK - The student does not always know how to arrange his work; the student improve his/her social skills, but is not looking for the ability to check grammar in practice.
At mark 5: EK - The student is able to apply oral and written knowledge of B1 level in practice and makes a few mistakes he is aware of; UK - The student can handle most communication situations. He/she can create simple, consistent oral or written statements on topics that are familiar to him or her. He/she can describe experiences, events, dreams, hopes and intentions, briefly justifying or explaining his/her opinions and plans without committing or making a few grammatical errors; KK - The student knows how to plan his/her work in order to achieve goals and improve their social skills through active participation in exchange of sentences; the student is discussing and seeks opportunities to test grammar in practice.
Literatura podstawowa i uzupełniająca
Basic Literature
Bas Hamers & Beata Poplawska, Beknopte grammatica van het Nederlands voor studenten. Lublin: Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL 2019
Jan Luif, In verband met de zin. Inleiding in de Nederlandse spraakkunst. Amsterdam: AUP 2011 (3e druk)
Willy Vandeweghe, Grammatica van de Nederlandse zin. Antwerpen / Apeldoorn: Garant, 2018 (8e druk)

Recommended Literature
(eds.) M. Beliën & F. Landsbergen, Algemene Nederlandse Spraakkunst 3.0. (2021) Online op https://e-ans.ivdnt.org/.
Kierunek studiów: Dutch Studies
Lokalizacja w planach rocznych:
Etap:Year III - Semester 5
Number of ECTS credits: 2
Form of assessment: Grade
DataDzieńSalaGodz.od-doForma zajęć
2022-10-07piątekCTW-220 10:50 - 12:30stacjonarne
2022-10-14piątekCTW-220 10:50 - 12:30stacjonarne
2022-10-21piątekCTW-220 10:50 - 12:30stacjonarne
2022-10-28piątekCTW-220 10:50 - 12:30stacjonarne
2022-11-04piątekCTW-220 10:50 - 12:30stacjonarne
2022-11-18piątekCTW-220 10:50 - 12:30stacjonarne
2022-11-25piątekCTW-220 10:50 - 12:30stacjonarne
2022-12-02piątekCTW-220 10:50 - 12:30stacjonarne
2022-12-09piątekCTW-220 10:50 - 12:30stacjonarne
2022-12-16piątekCTW-220 10:50 - 12:30stacjonarne
2022-12-23piątekCTW-220 10:50 - 12:30stacjonarne
2023-01-13piątekCTW-220 10:50 - 12:30stacjonarne
2023-01-20piątekCTW-220 10:50 - 12:30stacjonarne
2023-01-26czwartekCTW-220 10:50 - 12:30stacjonarne
2023-01-27piątekCTW-220 10:50 - 12:30stacjonarne