History of the Netherlands (wykład) - 2022/2023

Opis zajęć
Informacje ogólne
Prowadzący:prof. dr hab. Wilken Engelbrecht
Organizator:Faculty of Humanities - Instytut Filologii Angielskiej
Liczba godzin tydzień/semestr: 2/30
Język wykładowy:Język polski
Kierunek studiów:Filologia Niderlandzka (stacjonarne I stopnia) - Semestr III
Cele przedmiotu
1. The students obtain a basic knowledge about the history of Belgium and the Netherlands
2. The students can situate the history of Belgium and the Netherlands in the frame of the world history
3. Historical facts can be connected with the cultural heritage of the Low Countries
Wymagania wstępne
1. Basic knowledge of general history level lyceum
2. Basic knowledge of the Dutch language (lectures are provided in Dutch)
3. Understanding the place of history within the context of human sciences

Nota Bene: A maximum of 2 absences during the course is allowed.
Efekty kształcenia dla przedmiotu
W_01 The student has basic knowledge of the place and meaning of the subject History of the Netherlands in relation to other subjects of Dutch Philology
W_02 The student has a thorough overview of the most important facts, events and people in the history of the Netherlands.

U_01 The student is able to search, analyze, evaluate, select and use information related to the history of the Netherlands;
U_02 The student knows how to independently acquire knowledge and develop research skills in the history of Dutch-speaking countries and detects simple relationships between social and cultural processes and literature and language changes.

Social Competences
K_01. The student is aware of the importance of Dutch history in European and world culture.
Metody dydaktyczne
Written sources, computer, iconographic sources (beamer projection), historical films.
The language of instruction is Dutch!!!
During the course 3 written tests will be given, making part of the general mark.
Treści programowe przedmiotu
The following topics are covered during the fall semester:
1. Introduction to the history of the Netherlands, the beginnings and the period of prehistory
2. Roman period
3. The Frankish period
4. Early Middle Ages
5. The Crusades
6. The Burgundian Reign I.
7. The Burgundian Reign II
8. Charles V
9. Philip II
10. Beginning of the rise of the Netherlands (1568-1609)
11. The Twelve-Years' Truce and religious disputes
12. Beginning of colonization - Dutch East Indies and VOC
13. Beginning of colonization - Dutch West Indies and the WIC
14. Continuation of the Eighty Years' War (1621-1648) and the Peace of Munster
15. Summary of the winter semester, credit
Kryteria oceny i sposoby weryfikacji zakładanych efektów kształcenia
Knowledge criteria: for grade 2: The student does not demonstrate knowledge that meets the minimum requirements for students; for grade 3: The student demonstrates knowledge that sufficiently meets the requirements of students; for grade 4: The student demonstrates knowledge that correctly and fully meets the requirements of students; Grade 5: The student demonstrates knowledge that goes far beyond the requirements for students.
Skill criteria: for grade 2: Student does not demonstrate skills that meet the minimum requirements for students; for grade 3: The student demonstrates skills that sufficiently meet the requirements of students; for grade 4: The student demonstrates skills that fully meet the requirements of students; for grade 5: The student demonstrates skills that go far beyond the requirements for students.
Criteria for social competences: for the grade 2: The student does not demonstrate competences that meet the minimum requirements for students; for grade 3: The student demonstrates competences that sufficiently meet the requirements set for students; for grade 4: The student demonstrates competences that fully meet the requirements of students; for grade 5: The student demonstrates competences that go far beyond the requirements for students.

Note: A maximum of 2 absences are allowed during the course !!!
Literatura podstawowa i uzupełniająca
Basic Literature
J.C.H. Blom & E. Lamberts, History of the Low Countries. New York: Berghan Books, 1999
J.C. Kennedy, A Concise History of the Netherlands. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017
R. Żelichowski, Flandria. Warszawa: Instytut Studiów Politycznych PAN, 2018

Recommended literature
J.I. Israel, The Dutch Republic. Its Rise, Greatness, and Fall, 1477-1806. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998
E.H. Kossmann, The Low Countries, 1780-1940. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1978
Kierunek studiów: Dutch Studies
Lokalizacja w planach rocznych:
Etap:Year II - Semester 3
Number of ECTS credits: 2
Form of assessment: Grade
DataDzieńSalaGodz.od-doForma zajęć
2022-10-07piątekCTW-220 12:30 - 14:10stacjonarne
2022-10-14piątekCTW-220 12:30 - 14:10stacjonarne
2022-10-21piątekCTW-220 12:30 - 14:10stacjonarne
2022-10-28piątekCTW-220 12:30 - 14:10stacjonarne
2022-11-04piątekCTW-220 12:30 - 14:10stacjonarne
2022-11-18piątekCTW-220 12:30 - 14:10stacjonarne
2022-11-25piątekCTW-220 12:30 - 14:10stacjonarne
2022-12-02piątekCTW-220 12:30 - 14:10stacjonarne
2022-12-09piątekCTW-220 12:30 - 14:10stacjonarne
2022-12-16piątekCTW-220 12:30 - 14:10stacjonarne
2022-12-23piątekCTW-220 12:30 - 14:10stacjonarne
2023-01-13piątekCTW-220 12:30 - 14:10stacjonarne
2023-01-20piątekCTW-220 12:30 - 14:10stacjonarne
2023-01-26czwartekCTW-220 12:30 - 14:10stacjonarne
2023-01-27piątekCTW-220 12:30 - 14:10stacjonarne