Faculty of Natural and Technical Sciences
Informatics (residential, first cycle programme)
Year I - Semester 2   2023/2024

NoCourseECTS creditsHoursLecturer
Compulsory courses
1Algorithms of numerical analysis (lecture) (lecture)E/3 15 dr Małgorzata Nowak-Kępczyk
2Analytic geometry (lecture) (lecture)E/3 15 dr Grzegorz Dymek
3Discrete mathematics (lecture) (lecture)E/5 30 dr Armen Grigoryan
4Fundamentals of algorithms and programming (lecture) (lecture)E/6 30 dr Dorota Pylak
5Operating systems (lecture) (lecture)E/4 15 dr Viktor Melnyk
6Algorithms of numerical analysis (laboratory) (laboratory classes - Group: 1) Z/0 15 dr Małgorzata Nowak-Kępczyk
7Analytic geometry (laboratory) (laboratory classes - Group: 1) Z/0 15 dr Grzegorz Dymek
8Computer graphics (laboratory) (laboratory classes - Group: 1) Z/2 15 dr Armen Grigoryan
9Entrepreneurship (workshops) (workshops - Group: 1) Z/1 15 prof. dr hab. Tomasz Stuczyński
10Fundamentals of algorithms and programming (laboratory) (laboratory classes - Group: 1) Z/0 30 mgr Sara Jurczyk
11Operating systems (laboratory) (laboratory classes - Group: 1) Z/0 30 dr Viktor Melnyk
12Tutoring (workshops) (workshops - Group: 1) Z/1 15 mgr Marek Solski
13Websites design (laboratory) (laboratory classes - Group: 1) Z/3 30 dr Rafał Stęgierski
14Discrete mathematics (laboratory) (laboratory classes)Z/0 30 dr Armen Grigoryan
Elective courses
Foreign language classes
1German - CEF A1 (foreign language classes - Group: 405) Z/2 30 mgr Magdalena Szulga
2Italian - CEF - B1 (foreign language classes - Group: 403) Z/2 30 mgr Agnieszka Białowolska
3Spanish - CEF A1 (foreign language classes - Group: 408) Z/2 30 mgr Karolina Sieńko-Flis
Elective courses
Physical education
1Physical Education - Badminton (classes - Group: 36) Zbo/0 30 mgr Arkadiusz Czarnecki
2Physical education - tennis (classes - Group: 28) Zbo/0 30 mgr Jarosław Dobosz
mgr Arkadiusz Czarnecki
3Physical education - women's volleyball (classes - Group: 25) Zbo/0 30 mgr Piotr Olejarnik
4Physical Education -Men's Football (classes - Group: 76) Zbo/0 30 mgr Wojciech Paszek
mgr Anna Zarańska

Form of assessment / Number of ECTS credits
E - Exam
Z - Credit with grade
Zbo - Credit without grade (Pass/Fail)
Hours - Number of hours per semester